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The Scottish LGBTI Police Association is a membership-based police staff association with a constitution and strategy document which governs our structure and organisation. The Association is accountable to the executive committee and our actions work towards our Strategy document in line with our constitution. 


This page will explain how we are organised and the method in which we operate. 


The Association has evolved over many years, tracing its roots back to the formation of LAGPA (Lesbian and Gay Police Association) in 1990.


Following an extensive review of the Association at the AGM held in 2016, the 2017 AGM approved a proposed restructuring of the Association including a new name and re-branding. 



The structure of the new General Board is demonstrated in the diagram below:



The General Board is elected biennially at the Annual General Meeting. Vacant posts can be filled by majority agreement of the elected General Board. All members of the Association are entitled to stand for election and vote at the AGM. These positions are carried out on a voluntary basis with each police service in Scotland working with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) giving officers and staff the time to carry out work for the Association. The AGM for the Association is  held in November of each year and the committee meet every two months. 



Local Coordinators


As the title suggests, Local Coordinators represent the Association at a local level and organise local events and engagement. Local Coordinators were set up following the 2017 AGM. The Local Areas are based on the 13 geographical Divisions of Police Scotland and we are including the non-geographical national divisions for Local Coordinators. These are:


Argyll and West Dunbartonshire; Ayrshire; Dumfries and Galloway; Edinburgh; Fife; Forth Valley; Greater Glasgow; Highland and Islands; Lanarkshire; North East; Renfrewshire and Inverclyde; Tayside; Lothian and Scottish Borders. Also, Custody, C3, SCD etc.


Any Member of the Association who is interested in a post on the General Board or becoming a Local Coordinator please email Louise Beale on

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